Euphorbia pulcherrima

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Floral Love

14 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Beautiful pictures, I hope I found the right spot to leave a comment for your awesome Poinsettia flowers.

Alexa T ha dit...

Impressive... new colours... "textures" if I can say like this... beautiful pics!!

Carol Michel ha dit...

Lovely. So many choices!

Cerberus German shepherds ha dit...

Mine isn't blooming yet...:( Yours are beautiful...Happy gbbd!

Laura ha dit...

Such lovely poinsettia's… a wonderful variety you've shared!

Mona's Picturesque ha dit...

Oh my ♡ What a selection of colors! You just never stop amazing me :)

Unknown ha dit...

We always had the red ones for Christmas when I was little, but they come in so many beautiful colours today. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

Joyful ha dit...

Beautiful poinsettias in all their lovely colours. Merry Christmas to you!

Beth F ha dit...

What a gorgeous range of colors!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz ha dit...

Who knew there were so many colors!

Here's my Wordless Wednesday!

Kim ha dit...

So many gorgeous colors! I only see red around these parts.

Catherine ha dit...

What beautiful florals! I love all your close-ups…

Lori Skoog ha dit...

My first visit via Random 5 Friday. You have a very beautiful blog!

AppleApricot Wen ha dit...

Beautiful..... so many beautiful colours too. Wishing you a sweet and merry Christmas! Hugs